Product Testing

The Next Generation


Praxis’ sister company, BeoWolf Testing and Development, can provide that last mile of development.  As an advanced testing center, Praxis uses BeoWolf to find the best material, provide quality assurance your investor needs, and develop the procedure necessary for long-term production success.

Testing is an investment in success.

Are you worried about your product’s longevity in the field? BeoWolf can recommend the best tests for material choice, durability, and your product’s ability to withstand extended use in various environments. As we review the results with you, we can recommend materials for more robust products. Does your board or investor group want validation? Let us provide those reports for you.

With all testing and development, you retain full ownership of the product, results, and any intellectual property associated with your product and testing. We are “work-for-hire,” meaning you hire us for a specific job. If that job extends to helping you develop a better product, we remain a simple vendor and never a partner in the ownership of any new intellectual property.

You can work confidently to develop the best product possible, knowing that the product and intellectual property are yours alone.

BeoWolf learns about you, your company, and your product during early consultations. We collaborate to find the best solutions to help your business succeed. Once you begin the consultation process, we will assign one to two representatives to your company. This representative will suggest testing, manage your laboratory engagements, and develop a plan to ensure the success of your product’s materials.

With our combined decades of experience in industry and within the entrepreneurial ecosystem, BeoWolf has helped unravel perplexing problems, guided the development of robust products, and helped our clients innovate the future of their company. We will help you solve the challenges of today and find the best materials for the future.